Knee Treatment Is More Affordable than You Think

Knee specialist examines knee of patient sitting on exam table

When you experience knee pain, it pays to visit a knee specialist. The medical providers at Reflex Knee Specialists focus on understanding knee function and treatment options that are non-invasive and much less expensive than surgery. They treat painful knee conditions and alleviate symptoms, encouraging recovery and resumption of activities such as walking, running, and playing sports.

Reflex Knee Specialists offers treatments from their office locations in Portland, Oregon, Bellevue, Washington, and Tempe, Arizona. Here, we discuss the affordability of knee treatment.


Consider Visiting a Knee Specialist

The first step to understanding your knee pain or an injury is to have perform a comprehensive knee evaluation by a knee specialist. The Reflex medical provider will carefully review your medical history and symptoms and will perform a physical exam. What sets the providers at Reflex Knee Specialists apart from other clinics is that they use ultrasound to view structures inside your knee to pinpoint the cause of pain. Once all the information is reviewed with you, your medical provider will propose a customized treatment plan based on your individual needs. This initial evaluation by a knee specialist, which includes a comprehensive diagnostic ultrasound evaluation and physical exam, is half as expensive than what is charged for a knee MRI.

This type of assessment is also a great tool for advising patients on preventive care. Analyzing gait and function with an understanding of the patient’s medical and family history can help foresee problems that may arise, such as osteoarthritis. The medical team can advise patients on diet, exercise, supplements, and early treatments. This kind of integrated approach can help prevent further injury or the need for surgery down the road.


Invest in Your Knee Health

Consulting with knee specialists who advocate a non-invasive approach is a valuable way to determine all your options for treatment. And the cost is probably much less than you think. Even if you think that the practitioner is out of your insurance network, it’s worth inquiring about their fees and checking insurance information. For example, Reflex Knee Specialists offers payment plans for patients who don’t have health insurance, or whose insurance doesn’t cover our services.


Knee Pain Treatments Available at Reflex Knee Specialists

Reflex Knee Specialists offer an array of innovative and effective treatments for knee pain. We first look at reducing pain and inflammation. Using advanced diagnostic tools, including diagnostic knee ultrasound, we can often propose an integrated and individualized treatment plan to help heal and restore your knee function. Here are some of the treatments prescribed by Reflex Knee Specialists:

  • Joint fluid therapy: This injects hyaluronic acid, a process also known as viscosupplementation; this treatment is covered by Medicare and most insurance carriers and reduces inflammation inside the joint and improves the quality of the synovial (joint) fluid.
  • Knee brace: This device stabilizes the knee and reduces additional stress to damaged areas inside the knee.
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): This injects growth factors directly into the joint which in turn shut down pro-inflammatory pathways and improve the quality of the synovial (joint) fluid.
  • Ozone joint therapy: This decreases inflammation and slows joint damage; when combined with PRP or Joint Fluid therapy, clinical outcomes are improved.
  • Physical therapy: An evaluation by a skilled PT will identify compensatory patterns that have developed and areas that are not moving properly. Once movement has been corrected, the focus becomes strengthening areas above and below the knee to improve stability and function.
  • Nutritional supplements for joint health: These encourage overall joint health and wellness.

With the assistance of a medical team that is focused on non-invasive treatment of knee injuries and knee pain, patients are often able to avoid expensive surgery and lengthy recovery times. The medical providers at Reflex Knee Specialists have the goal of getting patients up and moving as quickly as possible. We want our patients to engage with their favorite activities and remain mobile for the long term.

There are additional benefits to consulting with knee specialists. A full analysis of knee function and overall movement, as well as medical history, enables these specialist medical providers to guide patients in caring for their knees. Reflex Knee Specialists advise on proper exercises and other knee treatments with a view toward life-long activity. When considering the cost of medical care, it’s important to take into account the full value of the services being provided.


Consult With Knee Specialists for Quality Care That’s Affordable

If you have knee pain, you want it to stop. Schedule a visit with reputable, knee specialists in Portland, Oregon, Bellevue, Washington, and Tempe, Arizona, for a comprehensive evaluation and non-invasive treatments. Reflex Knee Specialists understand how important our knees are to everyday functions, sports, and a multitude of enjoyable activities. We offer affordable treatments and payment plans, and we may also be included in your health insurance network. For more information, contact us today.

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